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Hello, I'm

Abdulrhman Goni

JavaScript Web Developer (MERN Stack)

I Have the ability to build complete web applications using MERN Stack technologies, Most of my focus on Backend development right now, And I aspire to be a good Software Engineer.

Abdulrhman's image

About Me

How I am ?

I'm Abdulrhman Mohammed Goni
I'm 21 years old, Nigerian, and i live in Saudi Arabia.

I'm a Javascript Web Developer (MERN Stack) can build complete web applications using MERN Stack technologies, Currently i'm focused on Backend development. My Goal is to be a good Software Engineer can develop any software and can adapt to any technologe in the field of software development.

I always look for what develops me and improves my skills in my field of specialization (Software Engineering).

My Interestes & Hobbies

I am interested in everything related to the field of software development in general, and in particular web applications development.

My favorites hobbies are playing Football and Chess.

Abdulrhman's image

My Skills

Languages & Technologies

JavaScript Language
TypeScript Language
Jest - Testing Framework for JavaScript
Docker - Containerization Technologe
Git - Version Control System
Postman tool

Back End skills

Node.js - JavaScript runtime environment
Mongo Database (NoSQL)
Express.js - JavaScript framework
mongoose - MongoDB library
Redis - Multi-usage database

Front End skills

JavaScript front end framework
Next.js - React framework
Vite.js - Web dev builder tool
Redux - State manager
Components library for React.js
Asynchronous state manager for React.js
Rollup Bundler
CSS Framework
CSS Framework

Under Learning & Practising

Nest.js - JavaScript + TypeScript Freamwork
GraphQL - A query language for your APIs
Bun - An Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime

To Learn in future

SQL Language - for any relational database
Elasticsearch - a RESTful search and analytics engine
Socket.io - For real time conniction
Nginx - as a load balancer
RabbitMQ - a message broker
Kubernets - Containers manager

My Projects

AM Store Client Site image

AM Store Client Site

The client site of "AM Store" project which is the e-commerce store for selling japanese Anime & Manga products.

AM Store Admin Panel image

AM Store Admin Panel

The Admin Panel of "AM Store" project for managing store's products And tracking store's status by viewing statistics for sales, earnings, orders, products and users

AM Store Server Side image

AM Store Server Side

The server side or the back end of AM Store project which is The API that handles the business logic and provides store's services to the clients.

Github Github Repo
AM Store Library image

AM Store Library

A library contains reusable components, hooks and functions for useing in AM Store's client site and Admin Panel.

Github Github Repo